Interreg Euro-MED - ArtMED

ArtMED – Planning for Autonomous Mobility on Demand in the Interreg Euro-MED Area

ArtMED is an Interreg Euro-MED thematic project under the Green Living Areas Mission, aimed at transforming public transportation in sparsely populated regions of the Interreg Euro-MED area. Millions of people face challenges due to limited access to public transport, high dependency on private vehicles, and substantial carbon emissions. ArtMED steps in to revolutionize the way we move by leveraging Autonomous Mobility on Demand (AMOD) technology and methodologies from previous successful projects.

By empowering Public Transport Authorities (PTAs) to plan and implement innovative, sustainable transport solutions, ArtMED wants to become a leader in more accessible, inclusive, and eco-friendly public transportation systems. This includes developing a user-friendly AMOD impact assessment and implementation tool and providing tailored support for local use cases.

Our Objectives

Boost Public Transport Accessibility

Tackle isolation and environmental issues caused by poor public transport in sparsely populated Interreg Euro-MED regions by improving connectivity and reducing reliance on private cars.

Support the Implementation of Cutting-Edge Mobility Solutions

Help PTAs implement Autonomous Mobility on Demand (AMOD) to provide sustainable, inclusive and efficient transport options, especially for isolated and underserved populations.

Empower Public Transport Authorities

Equip PTAs with the necessary knowledge and tools to effectively plan and deploy AMOD, allowing them to better assess and address the impact of these solutions in their local areas.


ArtMED aims to empower Public Transport Authorities (PTAs) in the Interreg Euro-MED region to plan for more accessible, inclusive, and sustainable public transport in sparsely populated areas. Using the Autonomous Mobility on Demand (AMOD) impact assessment and implementation tool, the ArtMED partnership will develop vision statements, investment plans and transport model designs. This initiative will enhance public transport planning, ultimately contributing to a 72% reduction in CO2 emissions.


Transforming the Interreg Euro-MED region into a model of sustainable, inclusive, and accessible public transportation, reducing dependency on private vehicles and significantly lowering carbon emissions.

Who We Serve

01. Connecting Communities

People living in sparsely populated Interreg Euro-MED areas face limited access to public transport, high dependency on private vehicles, and isolation from social networks and public services. ArtMED benefits these individuals, including children struggling to reach school, the elderly needing hospital access, and isolated adults needing to reach jobs. By accelerating the planning and deployment of AMOD, ArtMED improves public transport accessibility sustainably.

02. Supporting Local Authorities

Public Transport Authorities (PTAs) and public authorities in the Interreg Euro-MED region are integral to future public transport planning. ArtMED supports these entities by providing an optimized AMOD impact assessment tool. This tool supports PTAs in Slovenia, Portugal, Italy, and Greece in planning and implementing AMOD systems, raising awareness of their benefits and supporting operational planning. This initiative helps PTAs develop vision statements, investment plans and transport model designs, ultimately contributing to reduced car dependency and emission reduction goals.

03. Advancing Research and Education

École Centrale de Lyon and CARNET, ArtMED’s knowledge partners, benefit from the project by applying their developed tool in various Interreg Euro-MED regions. This leads to increased capability, replicability and reliability of their research results. The project also raises awareness of the AMOD tool and stimulates further research and testing actions.

04. Enhancing Public Service

Public Transport Operators (PTOs) in regions covered by ArtMED partners benefit from better planning for AMOD, leading to increased operational areas, serviced passengers, and enhanced know-how. By raising awareness and stimulating deployment plans among public authorities, PTOs gain new revenue opportunities. Beyond the initial regions, other Interreg Euro-MED PTOs can also benefit from ArtMED’s widely accessible and free tool and outputs.


Enhanced Mobility Strategies

The optimised AMOD impact assessment tool empowers PTAs in the Interreg Euro-MED region to create effective mobility strategies, vision statements, and investment plans for sustainable and inclusive public transport systems. Initially implemented by the 4 ArtMED PTAs, the tool will expand to at least 30 additional PTAs during the project’s lifetime, ensuring ongoing support and widespread use beyond the project’s duration.

Improved Public Transport Sustainability

ArtMED partners will develop four comprehensive mobility strategies to enhance public transport sustainability and inclusivity in key Interreg Euro-MED locations: Lombardian region, Lisbon Metropolitan area, and the municipalities of Palaio Faliro and Postojna. These strategies, including vision statements and investment plans, will be presented to high-level decision-makers, facilitating political action plans and resource allocation for AMOD deployment.

Increased Institutional Capacity

By adopting the AMOD tool, PTAs will improve their ability to assess the impact of AMOD on public transport systems, thereby increasing their institutional capacity to plan and implement sustainable, equitable, and inclusive transport solutions. The project targets the 7 partner organizations actively developing the ArtMED solution and 30 public authorities that will use the AMOD impact assessment tool.





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Interreg Funds

