In ArtMED, the 4 Public Transport Authorities learn to plan for AMOD through vision statements, investment plans and transport model designs with the AMOD impact assessment tool. Here is the vision statement from TML – Transportes Metropolitanos de Lisboa.
TML’s vision is to improve accessibility by public transport and promote sustainable mobility patterns in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (LMA), especially in sparsely populated areas, by providing new flexible mobility solutions, including Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) and, in the future, Automated Mobility on Demand (AMOD).
By strategically investing in these solutions, TML aims to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of public transport services, improve access to urban functions, reduce car use, minimise environmental impact and improve the quality of life of LMA residents.
Four local use cases were selected to assess the potential impact of DRT/AMOD:
i. Loop or deviation to specific stops at passenger request to improve accessibility in low-demand areas.
ii. DRT to public facilities with a flexible timetable to improve access during off-peak hours.
iii. DRT connecting underserved neighborhoods to an interface or main PT route to improve connectivity and social inclusion.
iv. AMOD services to public facilities using autonomous vehicles on fixed routes with flexible scheduling.
Each use case presents unique decision-making challenges, such as legal integration, safety concerns, data management, passenger communication, logistics and resource allocation. TML is tasked with introducing on-demand services in sparsely populated areas, integrating them into the existing public transport framework while managing funding, operations, and stakeholder engagement.