What we achieve


We aim to revolutionise public transport in the Interreg Euro-MED region by supporting the implementation of Autonomous Mobility on Demand (AMOD) technology. Our project results highlight our efforts towards enhancing accessibility, inclusivity, and sustainability in public transport systems, particularly in sparsely populated areas. Below are the key achievements of our project:

Project results

01. Optimise the Impact Assessment Tool for Interreg Euro-MED PTAs

One of our primary deliverables is the optimisation and release of a user-friendly, web-based tool tailored for Interreg Euro-MED Public Transport Authorities (PTAs). This tool facilitates the assessment of the environmental and socio-economic impact of AMOD and helps design a roadmap for its implementation. Also, the project aims to raise awareness among Interreg Euro-MED PTAs about the tool’s availability and ease of use, requiring minimal resources. Additionally, this deliverable enhances the knowledge of PTAs on how to conduct impact assessments of AMOD in their respective regions, considering specific Interreg Euro-MED characteristics such as coastal areas and mountainous terrains.

02. Empower ArtMED PTAs with the AMOD Impact Assessment Tool to Plan Autonomous Mobility on Demand

We are dedicated to facilitating the transfer of the AMOD impact assessment tool to ArtMED PTAs. This enables them to develop vision statements, investment plans and transport model designs for AMOD deployment in their local regions. This deliverable aims to change the working practices of public transport authorities by empowering them to effectively initiate the development of these essential plans. Additionally, it enhances PTAs’ knowledge on the potential impact of AMOD for various use cases, considering different target groups and deployment areas, such as commuters, the elderly, students, and areas with varying population densities.

03. Expand the Reach of the AMOD Impact Assessment Tool in the Interreg Euro-MED AreΑ

Another significant result of our project is the dissemination and effective rollout of the AMOD impact assessment tool in the Interreg Euro-MED area. We aim to have 30 Interreg Euro-MED PTAs use the tool and raise awareness among 50 high-level decision-makers, including PTA directors and politicians, about the potential impact of AMOD on making public transport more sustainable, inclusive, and equitable. This deliverable focuses on increasing the knowledge of these PTAs on how to effectively assess the impact of AMOD in their local areas, changing their working practices as they develop AMOD mobility strategies, and raising awareness among high-level decision-makers to influence their behaviour and resource allocation toward AMOD deployment preparation.

Learn about our objectives and the innovative steps we’re taking to create sustainable, inclusive, and accessible transportation solutions